Level 2 House got into a tense mood on Monday after Big Brother announced five names picked by HOH Hermes for possible eviction.
Some of the housemates were worried as they felt an inclination toward being picked. Strong contenders such as Phyna, Khalid, Cyph, Amaka, Beauty and others got afraid of the thought of possible eviction nomination.
As Big Brother formally announced the five names to Level 2 housemates which were Cyph, Phyna, Amaka, Christy O and Khalid, everyone in the Level 2 house became emotional and afraid of the thought of a fellow housemate being evicted. They all hugged one other and commiserated with all five housemates nominated. It was a moody atmosphere as they discuss the reason for the nomination by Hermes.
Surprises, Shock, Disbelief, Betrayal, Disappointment, and Hope were written all over their faces. Some were in tears, others lamented and felt disappointed that the Level 2 house lost the Head of House game for the second consecutive week.
Khalid and Daniella were seen having a private conversation after the eviction nomination as both lovers hugged one another, getting close to tears. Khalid got surprised that his close friend, Hermes nominated him as his fellow Level 2 housemates also expressed the same line of thought.
Level 2 housemates issue a challenge saying “Level 1 would not smell a wager win”, and “They will starve without pocket earnings”, thereby advising themselves to stay focused and practice well to win the weekly wager presentation.
For their wager task of the week, the houses have been instructed to create/invent an original sport to be performed on Friday.In addition to creating the sport, the housemates will make a rule book with guidelines on how the sport will be played, and design female and male jerseys.
Level 1 House celebrates the Head of House win, Tail of House issued punishment
However, the other house got in a celebratory mood as they enjoy the privilege of immunity from eviction, pool party experience, and Hermes as Head of House. Hermes calls a meeting and delivers a gift given to him by Big Brother to the house.
He reads a note to the house which features the punishment given to the Tail of House, Chichi who shares the title with fellow housemate, Dotun.
Chichi cried earlier as she felt bad about the ridicule. The punishment is to hold a ball around the house throughout the week. They must take it everywhere and hold it at all times. Former Tail of house, Bella is hereby relieved of her duties to wear her clothes upside down.
They all continue to prepare for their wager presentation as both houses compete to “Level Up.”